Breaking the Fourth Wall
The fourth wall is a theater term for the imaginary wall that separates the story from the real world. This wall acts like a one-way mirror where the viewer can comprehend the story but the story cannot comprehend the viewer. The fourth wall is broken when a character acknowledges the audience's presence, directly addressing them or reacting to the fact that they are being observed. Similarly, the gallery space can hold a fourth wall, where artworks are to be leered at by the viewer but remain in a stagnant position, unengaged with either the environment or witness. Ceramics inherently maintains a fourth wall due to the nature of the medium. Once the clay is fired, it retreats into a rigid, solid form, establishing a boundary that is both stoic and unyielding. This project exercises the opportunity to take ceramic objects beyond it’s predictable setting, engaging with the environment and extending the conversation beyond the object itself.
2018 - site specific, ceramic vases, Los Angeles
2021 - Performance
2018 photograph
2018 - site specific, ceramic vases, Los Angeles
2018 - ceramic vase, wood
2018 - Print
2021 - Performance